AAV80 inhalation anesthesia apparatus for small animals - Sigmed

AAV80 inhalation anesthesia apparatus for small animals


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Apparatus for inhalation anesthesia of small animals.

New, compact device for inhalation anesthesia of animals. Equipped with a reliable evaporator, which, depending on the needs and the anesthetic used, can be quickly replaced.
Possible anesthesia in animals weighing 0.1 kg to 75 kg body weight (using appropriate anesthetic delivery systems). For anesthesia in animals weighing up to 3 kg, an induction chamber is recommended (additional option: small animal anesthesia chamber).

Standard equipment:
- Oxygen flow meter calibrated to 4 l / min
- CO2 absorber
- Isoflurane vaporizer (it is possible to order a vaporizer for a different anesthetic)
- Breathing tubes for animals weighing from 3 to 15 kg and over 15 kg
- Silicone breathing bags (0.5L, 1.0L, 2.0L)

Attention! The photo is demonstrative only. The apparatus does not include the stand. The apparatus can be installed on a wall or as a mobile installation with the use of a stand.

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AAV80 inhalation anesthesia apparatus for small animals

AAV80 inhalation anesthesia apparatus for small animals

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